Eastern Partnership Civil Society Forum

EU states back plans to combat Russian propaganda

According to a recent article published in the EU Observer, several EU states have supported plans to combat Russian propaganda, including a regulatory crackdown on media which “incite hatred”.

The two-page informal paper - endorsed by Denmark, Estonia, Lithuania, and the UK and seen by EUobserver - was circulated around EU capitals on 9 January calling on EU media regulators to hold Russian broadcasters accountable where journalism ethics are violated.

The document describes Russia’s media campaign as “an asymmetric response to Western economic power” which poses “a real threat to security on the eastern edges of the EU”

EU Observer quotes the paper as saying “the objectives are to discredit EU narratives, erode support for legitimate governments in the region, demoralise local populations [and] disorient Western policymakers” in order to “widen the scope for its [Russia’s] military and political options”.

Media is one of the key flagship areas of the Eastern Partnership Civil Society Forum, which runs a media subgroup and the Eastern Partnership Media Freedom Index. As such, the Forum has issued several statements with reference to the negative effect of Russian propaganda in the Eastern partnership region, drawing the attention of key EU representatives in Brussels.

The latest resolution on the question of Russian propaganda in the Eastern Partnership region was adopted by the Forum at the 6th EaP CSF annual assembly last November. In addition, several EaP CSF members contributed to the shaping of an appropriate response to Russian propaganda at an EEAS conference on media environment last December. 

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Eastern Partnership Media Freedom Watch

Resolution on media war being conducted by the Russian Federation

Project funded by the European UnionEU