Eastern Partnership Civil Society Forum

Pictures of WG5 meeting

Andrzej Adamcyzk welcomes participants to the EESC

Vivian Konnari briefs WG5 on the prospects for the Vilnius Summit

Gintaras Morkis moderates the discussion during the expert panel on "EU social and employment policies - the role of social dialogue"

Frederique Rychener from DG Employment during her intervention

Philippe Pochet from the European Trade Union Institutes addresses WG5

Grigor Gradev the Executive Secretary of the Pan European Regional Council

Matthias Thorn from the International Organisation of Employers

Andrzej Adamczyk presents the concept note for a study to WG5

Hubert Chambier, the expert of the rapporteur, presents details of the EESC opinion on social dialogue in the EaP countries

Alicja Krzyżanowska from DG TRADE discusses opportunities and challenges for EaP countries in the light of the DCFTAs

Project funded by the European UnionEU