Eastern Partnership Civil Society Forum

Election monitoring is about more than just election monitoring

Contribution by Krzysztof Bobiński, head of the elections sub group of the Eastern Partnership Civil Society Forum, to a Council of Europe seminar on “Reporting on elections” in Vilnius, Lithuania on 14 November 2013

This meeting has been talking about the right way of reporting on the results of election observation but I want to widen the subject and look at the dilemmas which face  election observation in the Eastern Partnership (EaP) countries. A couple of years ago the Civil Society Forum (CSF) decided to make election observation one of its main priorities as a key area for the whole programme of democratizing the six member countries of the EaP. But given the number of election observation initiatives there are already the question is what can the CSF add in value to the effort which is being made to try and make sure that elections are free and fair in the region?

Project funded by the European UnionEU