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Eastern Partnership Civil Society Forum

ФГО ВП встретится с представителями европейских сетей НГО в сентябре в Брюсселе

Steering Committee of the CSF EaP is pleased to invite representatives of European networks of NGOs to participate in the Working Group 4, “People to People contacts”, and coordination meeting with Steering Committee in Brussels on the 16th of September 2011 in order to share our common experience in NGO networking and to help us to raise our impact on the European policies.

Representatives of European networks of NGOs are invited to attend both the Working Group meeting (and agenda will be sent early September) and a coordination meeting.

Objectives of the coordination meeting are:

  • to present the work and the objectives of the Civil Society Forum for Eastern Partnership;
  • to exchange ideas and methods of actions as CSO in Europe;
  • to identify possibility of cooperation as for lobbying with the European institutions and European governments;
  • to negotiate perspective directions for further cooperation.

 The EaP Civil Society Forum works closely with the European Commission, EU member governments, European Parliament and other EU institutions to:

  • facilitate a roadmap for democratic transition in the partner countries;
  • monitor developments in EU relations with the partner countries and implementation of flagship initiatives and joint project within the Eastern Partnership initiative;
  • promote the results and activities of civil society projects, and the participation of civil society actors to contribute to effective public policy outcomes;
  • foster the engagement of independent civil society expertise in the work of the expert panels/thematic platforms.

For further information and for registration (by the 5th of September 2011), please contact us at (alena.zuikova@aldaintranet.org, +32 2 7420161).

Looking forward to receiving news from you, we are sending you our best regards.

On behalf of the Steering Committee of the EaP Civil Society Forum

Ulad Vialichka, Co-Chair of the CSF Steering Committee, Chairperson of EUROBELARUS

Antonella Valmorbida, Co-Chair of the CSF Steering Committee, Director of ALDA



The mission of the Eastern Partnership Civil Society Forum is to facilitate and strengthen the active and expert engagement of civil society in the Eastern Partnership and in the Eastern dimension of EU external relations policies, and in participatory governance and accountable policymaking with regard to the democratic transition and closer European integration of the Eastern Partnership countries.

The EaP CSF is recognised by the European Commission as the representative forum of civil society organisations from the Eastern partner countries (Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, the Republic of Moldova, and Ukraine) and EU civil society organisations active in the partner countries. The Forum and its structures (national platforms, thematic working groups, and steering committee) are recognised as key civil society partners for the European Commission in the framework of European Union (EU) relations with the Eastern Partner countries, and with regard to the EU's commitment to support civil society actors in the partner countries and to engage them as essential partners in democratic development. 

Проект финансируется Европейским СоюзомEU