Eastern Partnership Civil Society Forum

Your Participation

Your Participation

Membership of the EaP CSF is open to all civil society organisations within the Partner countries and civil society organisations in EU member states that are active in the Partner countries. This can includes grassroots organisations, trade unions, farmers' and consumers organisations, think tanks, employers' organisations, professional associations, non-profit organisations, faith-based organisations, non-profit foundations, national and international civil society organisations/networks and other relevant civil society organisations across the Partner countries and EU Member States.

Applicants for Forum membership should be based in an EU country of in one of the six Partner countries and be engaged in at least one of the issues on the Eastern Partnership agenda, and be willing and able to contribute actively to the Forum by participating in meetings, responding to requests for input, drafting discussion papers, and similar activities.

All organisations that have taken part in the annual Forum event become Forum members. Nobody can exclude an organisation from the Forum unless the organisation itself announces its withdrawal from the Forum. Exception will be where the Steering Committee decides that an organisation is bringing the Forum into disrepute by actively working against the core values and principles of the Forum (a decision which can be revoked by appeal to the whole Forum).

Expression of Interest

The selection procedure takes place once a year. To participate, a civil society organisation must submit an expression of interest to join. When the Steering Committee receives the expression of interest, they will apply the agreed criteria to the consideration of the application.

Criteria of Participation in Annual Assemblies

1. Geographic Origin or Nationality

A majority of CSF participants should come from civil society organisations of the six partner countries of the EaP. However, the number of civil society organisations from each country must be balanced. A proportion of civil society organisations from EU MS that are active in the Partner countries are encouraged to participate in order to share their experience and expertise of EU affairs and policies. The Forum should also strive to promote a wide variety of participants from Partner countries and from EU member states.

2. Diversity & Proportionality

Participants should represent a wide variety of civil society organisations, including independent democratic social partner organisations, from the Partner countries and from the EU. Participating organisations should be able to take part in one or more of the working groups.

3. Experience in EU/European Neighbourhood Policy/Eastern Partnership

Past and current activities, as well as achievements and results will be taken into account. Each participating organisation must be committed to achieving the objectives of the EaP.


When the Steering Committee has made a decision, the interested civil society organisation will be informed.

Project funded by the European UnionEU