European Integration and Common Security: Making it Happen - EaP CSF Assembly 2014![]() In 2014 the General Assembly of the Eastern Partnership Civil Society Forum took place in Batumi, Georgia on the 20-21 November. Out of 563 submitted application, 219 organisations were selected to take part in the Forum with representatives from six Eastern Partnership and EU countries. 48 organisations participated as observers and each participating organisation will be sending one delegate. The Forum took place under the title: ‘EU Integration & Common Security: Making it Happen’. The high-level panel focused on the future of the Eastern Partnership and will include high-level officials from the European Commission and government representatives of Georgia and Ukraine. During the event, civil society and government representatives had the possibility to present their views on the Eastern Partnership and developments in the EaP region. The participants also commented on the involvement of the Forum in regional developments. The Forum provides a platform for debate on the achievements of the EaP and how civil society can further contribute to the success of the programme. The annual Assembly provides guidance to the EaP CSF for the upcoming year and gives an opportunity for participants to exchange opinions and expertise between themselves. The annual Forum is the highest decision-making body of the Forum at which all 13 members of the Steering Committee are elected for a one-year-term. The annual Forum approves the by-laws, conflict-of-interest-rules and statues of the Forum. Between annual Forum events, the delegates of the previous Forum form the highest decision-making body and can make decisions by majority vote through email voting. Useful Links:
Steering Commitee and Secretariat Reports
Annual Working Group Reports Annual Subgroup Reports National Platform Reports
National Platform Success Stories Policy Brief: Security in the Eastern Partnership Region and Civil Society´s Role: in English and Russian |
Project funded by the European Union