Eastern Partnership Civil Society Forum

Conference on Anti-discrimination Policies and Minority Rights Protection in EaP Countries and EU

EaP CSF members from the Eastern Partnership Minorities Network and Minority Rights Group Europe organize a conferenceTowards Convergence? Anti-discrimination Policies and Minority Rights Protection in the Eastern Partnership Countries and the European Union” in Budapest, Hungary on 8-9 October 2015.

The Višegrád countries (the Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland and Slovakia) adopted anti-discrimination legislation in the early 2000s within the framework of the European Union accession process. The Eastern Partnership countries (Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Moldova, Ukraine) are at different stages of building this framework and implementing the law. What can they learn from the experience of the Višegrád countries? And how can they better promote recognition of anti-discrimination instruments among minorities themselves?

The aim of the conference is to share experiences and strengthen networking among minority representatives, civil society organizations and decision-makers to support the effective implementation of anti-discrimination frameworks guaranteeing minority rights. Experts and NGO practitioners will share their experiences from both the Eastern Partnership and the Višegrád countries.

The working language of the event is English. There is no need to fill in a registration form; to register please send an email to bernadett.sebaly[@] to let the organisers know about your potential participation.

Conference programme

Project funded by the European UnionEU