Commissioner Füle on Ukraine: ‘We need a lasting solution to the political crisis’In his speech yesterday to the Members of the European Parliament Commissioner Füle said that the tragic events of the past weeks in Ukraine had put a great responsibility on all involved to make things in the country work. ‘It puts a greater responsibility on the new Ukrainian government – interim and beyond – to deliver the changes the people have asked and fought for. It puts a greater responsibility on the EU to extend all our support and expertise to ensure that these changes are put on solid ground and will be sustainable', the Commissioner said. ‘We expect everyone in Ukraine to behave responsibly and protect the unity, sovereignty, independence and territorial integrity of the country. Due respect for regional, cultural and linguistic diversity of the country is also of utmost importance. We need a lasting solution to the political crisis’. ‘Those who violated fundamental rights are to be brought to justice’, Commissioner stressed yesterday, addressing the MPs in Strasbourg. Justice should be fair and without revenge, fully in line with the European Convention on Human Rights and the case law of the European Court of Human Rights, he added. He welcome the engagement of the Council of Europe, including Commissioner for Human Rights Muižnieks recent preliminary report following his visit to Kyiv which focuses on the need to prevent further violence and ensure investigation of human rights violations. The EU is ready to work promptly with a future Ukrainian government committed to economic and political reforms and to step in with assistance. 'We are working on the best inclusive platform for international coordination to provide sustainable economic and financial support, including all international partners, to help in addressing the challenges the country is facing’, the Commissioner added. Quoting Catherin Ashton, he outlined among priorities for all the stakeholders to establish an inclusive government as soon as possible and to have an action plan and mentioned that in the nearest future missions of experts from ECFIN and IMF will come to Ukraine to see the real needs of the Ukrainian economy. 'We make it absolutely clear that as far as the EU is concerned, we will do our utmost to stand up to this challenge', he underlined in his speech. |
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