Eastern Partnership Civil Society Forum

CZ MFA Eastern Partnership Grant Scheme 2012 – Final Results

The Czech Ministry of Foreign Affairs has allocated over 100 000 € for small projects implemented by civil society organizations in Eastern Partnership countries in 2012. The projects will focus on priorities of the 1st and 4th Working Groups of the Eastern Partnership Civil Society Forum. The Ministry has received over 40 projects proposals, 8 of them were approved for funding. See below for the list of the approved projects.

When considering the quality and relevance of the project proposals, the Ministry was lead by the following criteria:

  • compliance with formal requirements of the call
  • regional impact of the project (i.e. whether the addressed issue is common for more EaP countries)
  • participation of subjects from more than one EaP country
  • relevance to the priorities of the 1st and 4th Working Group of the Eastern Partnership Civil Society Forum
  • impact of the proposed activities and their financial efficiency

The finalist of this call are 3 organisations from Working Group 4 "Contacts between people" and 5 organisations from Working Group 1 "Democracy and Human Rights" (attached are the list of finalist). 

"Eastern Partnership Grant Scheme 2012 – Final Results"


Project Title

Amount granted


Foreign Policy Association Increasing the role of Civil Societies in promoting confidence building measures in the areas of “frozen conflicts” of the Eastern Partnership, by generating, exploiting and sharing positive examples 16 000€ 1
Ukrainian Institute for Public Policy (UIPP) Strengthening capacities of the EaP civil society organizations in using Open Government Partnership as a tool for fight against corruption 17 000€ 1
Legal Education Society Improving the situation of human rights defenders and lawyers in South Caucasus 19 000€ 1
Centre for Strategic Research and Development of Georgia Promote Citizen Participation in Local Governance in 6 EaP Countries 18 000€ 1
Analytical Centre on Globalization and Regional Cooperation (ACGRC) Contacts between people: EU visa policies and Eastern Partnership countries. Prospects and barriers for visa-liberalization 17 000€ 1
Europe XXI Foundation  Non-formal education for regional democratic transformations 15 000€ 4
National Youth Council of Moldova (CNTM) Strengthening the youth cooperation in Eastern Partnership countries 17 000€ 4
The Common Europe Foundation  NGO map - linking the best local initiatives between Eastern and Western Europe 6 000€ 4

Project funded by the European UnionEU