Eastern Partnership Civil Society Forum

EaP CSF Represented at the 6th Eastern Partnership Informal Ministerial Dialogue in Tbilisi by Kakha Gogolashvili

The 6th Eastern Partnership Informal Ministerial Dialogue was held on 26 November in Tbilisi.

Kakha Gogolashvili, Deputy Chairman of EaP SCF Georgian National Platform, addressed the EaP Informal Ministerial Meeting on behalf of the Eastern Partnership Civil Society Forum.

Expressing the position of the EaP CSF he pointed out: “We would like to assure you that EaP CSF will use all of its human resources and influence across the civil society and the wider public in our countries to support the governments in keeping strong stance in their fight against terrorism and confronting spill over of radical ideologies, hate and intolerance, fed via misleading massages and hostile propaganda against European values.”

Mr Gogolashvili outlined the specific developments and challenges in the 6 EaP countries and highlighted the role of the civil society in the reforms process: “Strong civil society should concentrate on its inherent responsibilities - monitor the process of reforms, assists the governments in listening to critical voice and try to improve the common work together.”

Deputy Chairman also channeled the main messages from in the resolutions adopted on 21 November at the Annual Assembly in Kyiv, including those on food safety mechanisms, fight against climate change and implementation of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities.

Kakha Gogolashvili welcomed the reform of the ENP on behalf of the EaP CSF, stressing that it should follow the changing context and to be as efficient as possible. Differentiation should serve as a tool to encourage competition between countries and by no means discourage those with less progress and ambition at this moment.

Full text of the address 

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