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List of participating organizations
Description of the workshops
Practical Information
Short biographies of speakers and panel members
Side events reports of Civil Society Forum 2011
Rules and Procedures for the Elections
Activity Reports
Annex 1
Annex 2
Annex 3
Report on Economic Integration and Convergence to EU Standards
Activity Report 2011 - 2012
WG 3 Draft Statement for the CSF12 on Nuclear
WG 3 Draft Statement for the CSF12 on restrictions freedom of movement
WG 3 Draft Statement for the CSF12 on Environmental Governance
Draft Opinion by European Economic and Social Committee on Social Dialogue in the EaP Countries (EN)
Draft Opinion by European Economic and Social Committee on Social Dialogue in the EaP Countries (RUS)
Summary of Developments and Decisions of the Steering Commitee, 30 November 2011 - 23 November 2012
Concept paper for the Eastern Partnership Civil Society Forum
Concept paper for the Eastern Partnership Civil Society Forum (Russian)
Statutes of the Eastern Partnership Civil Society Forum
Statutes of the Eastern Partnership Civil Society Forum (Russian)
Eastern Partnership Roadmap (Multilateral)
Eastern Partnership Roadmap (Communication)
Summary of decision and minutes SC meetings 2nd half 2012
Deepening Democracy: A Strategy for Improving the Integrity of Elections Worldwide (Elections panel)
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Project funded by the European Union