Eastern Partnership Civil Society Forum

Fourth meeting of the Armenian participants of the First (Brussels) and of the Second (Berlin) Civil Society Forums of the Eastern Partnership was held on 17th of June.

On 17 June 2011, the fourth meeting was held on the initiative of the Civil Society Forum of the Eastern Partnership Coordinator in Armenia Mr. Avetik Ishkhanian. Invitations to attend the meeting were sent to Armenian participants of the First (Brussels) and of the Second (Berlin) Civil Society Forums of the Eastern Partnership.

The agenda of the meeting had the following items for discussion:

  • the issue of the existing options for the involvement in the Civil Society Forum of the Eastern Partnership of the European Economic and Social Committee (EESC) and subsequently in the Governing Committee of the Forum,
  • presentation of the Working Groups’ activities,
  • preparation for the Poznan meeting, and
  • other issues.



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