Letter of CondolenceIt is with great sadness that we mourn the loss of one of the brightest thinkers in Central Europe, Vitali Silitski, Director of the Belarusian Institute for Strategic Studies (BISS), and a participant in the Eastern Partnership Civil Society Forum. Vitali, who died on 11 June 2011 at the age of 38 after a long fight against cancer, will be remembered for his unflinching independence of thought and for his persistent intelligence. As well as having authored hundreds of policy studies on issues ranging from democratisation and authoritarianism in the former USSR, to electoral revolutions and pre-emptive authoritarianism, the politics of economic reforms, EU relations with Belarus, and Belarus-Russia relations, his published works included Postponed Freedom: Post-Communist Authoritarianism in Serbia and Belarus, and A Historical Dictionary of Belarus. Download |
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