PISM Report: Learning from Past Experiences: Ways to Improve EU Aid on Reforms in the Eastern PartnershipTagged under The Polish Institute of International Affairs (PISM) has published a new report on EU aid in the Eastern Partnership countries. The report entitled “Learning from Past Experiences: Ways to Improve EU Aid on Reforms in the Eastern Partnership” elaborates effectiveness of the EU aid and attempts to show how it is translated into the lives of ordinary citizens. The authors mention several problems with the EU aid effectiveness, highlighting issues with reform implementation. Weak public administration, low social endorsement and lack of visibility are mentioned as major issues hindering proper implementation of the reforms supported by the EU. The researchers note that in some EaP countries engagement of the civil society organisations in the reform process has been very limited. The report includes several recommendations to the EU. The authors argue that the EU should coordinate more with the international financial institutions and other donors, effectively use “more for more” rule, engage all crucial parties in the reform process, increase visibility and social endorsement of the reforms. The researchers emphasise importance of the civil society organisations in monitoring the reform process and call on the EU to ensure their engagement by including appropriate conditions in the financial agreements with the governments.
Project funded by the European Union