EaP Culture Programme initiates discussions with the culture sector actors in EaP countriesSix countries of the Eastern Partnership Culture Programme – Azerbaijan, Armenia, Belarus, Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine - got a solid chance to effectively tap into culture priority issues and boost peer cultural ties between themselves and the EU during the course of the research visits of the Regional Monitoring and Capacity Building Unit (RMCBU) of the Eastern Partnership Culture Programme. Starting from the 1st of November 2011 RMCBU has been undertaking a series of research visits to Azerbaijan, Georgia, Armenia, Belarus and Moldova to establish contacts with key stakeholders of the Programme in each country and launch the process of identification of specific policy areas in the field of culture to be reinforced at national and regional level. The field work included round-table discussions with key government and civil society stakeholders, meetings with key actors in the culture sector, presentations of the Programme and collection of the background data for elaboration of base line studies on culture policies in the Eastern Partnership countries. The studies will form the basis for proposals on capacity building activities in identified priority areas for public and private culture stakeholders to be implemented by the RMCBU within 2012 - 2014. The key event of the research visits was the one-day round-table organized by the RMCBU in each country in cooperation and partnership with the relevant Ministries of Culture and EU Delegations. The round tables provided an opportunity to share information about the Eastern Partnership Culture Programme, discuss needs and priorities for reforming and reinforcing the cultural sector and share knowledge on regional and national culture projects and initiatives. Each round table gathered together up to 30-40 participants from the Ministries of Culture and Foreign Affairs, other national and local authorities responsible for culture, relevant EU Delegations, NGOs, research and academic institutions, relevant projects and initiatives, national and local museums, art-galleries, foundations, professional associations and unions, cultural industries and private sector. Over three to five days staying in each country the RMCBU got an opportunity to meet around 450-500 representatives of all culture sectors of the partner countries. RMCBU visited Moldova with a Round Table held in Chisinau on 30th of November 2011. The last Round Table will be organised in Ukraine on 16th of December 2011. Please read the detailed information about the events in each country in the Eastern Partnership Culture Newsletter to be published online by 22nd of December 2011. For additional information, please contact Elena Palivoda, Information and Communication Manager of the Regional Monitoring and Capacity Building Unit at: +38 050-846-7105, e-mail: Source of information – EaP Culture Programme Website |
Project funded by the European Union