9 June 2016

The Ad Hoc Commission of EaP CSF Belarusian National Platform together with the Belarusian Independent Bologna Committee prepared the second Monitoring Report on the Implementation of Belarus Roadmap for Higher Education Reform for the period of January-May 2016.
According Uladzimir Dunaeu “the situation deteriorated in comparison with the first half of the year. We indicate the conservative revanche, which is largely related to the certain reaction of the top leadership”
As before, the main obstacle to the Roadmap implementation and inclusion of the key stakeholders in higher education reform process is the absence of a clear regulatory and legal framework that would serve as a basis for the fulfilment of Belarus’ obligations with respect to the Roadmap implementation as well as a non-transparent process of creating such a framework.
The Ad Hoc Commission recommended the following to the Advisory Group:
- Recommend the Ministry of Education to develop and agree with relevant government bodies and higher education stakeholders on proposals concerning reform of the inconsistent laws in order to implement the Roadmap. The aforementioned proposals should be discussed publicly.
- Assist the Ministry of Education in developing a system to improve graduate employability perspectives and to replace the anachronistic mandatory work placement system and, based on European experience, tackle youth unemployment. To achieve this goal, a possibility of approaching the European Commission with a suggestion to include higher education into its program Employment, professional education and education in Belarus (Registered in General information system for external relations (CRIS)- No.2014/030-979) should be considered.
- Assist the Ministry of Education in preparing proposals on incorporating Recommendation CM/Rec(2012)7 into the law, which would provide for the organizational, financial, human resources and academic autonomy of the Belarusian HEI, as well as protection of academic freedom.
- Discuss with Belarusian officials measures, which could protect leaders of independent student organizations from repressions until the amendments to the Education Code transposing Recommendation CM/Rec(2012)7 come into force.
Monitoring Report (January-May 2016)
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