Eastern Partnership Civil Society Forum


Election monitoring is about more than just election monitoring

14 November 2013

Contribution by Krzysztof Bobiński, head of the elections sub group of the Eastern Partnership Civil Society Forum, to a Council of Europe seminar on “Reporting on elections” in Vilnius, Lithuania on 14 November 2013

This meeting has been talking about the right way of reporting on the results of election observation but I want to widen the subject and look at the dilemmas which face  election observation in the Eastern Partnership (EaP) countries. A couple of years ago the Civil Society Forum (CSF) decided to make election observation one of its main priorities as a key area for the whole programme of democratizing the six member countries of the EaP. But given the number of election observation initiatives there are already the question is what can the CSF add in value to the effort which is being made to try and make sure that elections are free and fair in the region?


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Report on the Georgian Presidential Election by EaP CSF Election Task force

04 November 2013

The presidential election held on October 27, 2013 puts Georgia firmly among the leaders of the Eastern Partnership countries in terms of commitment to democratization. It also creates a promising backdrop to the implementation of the Association Agreement (AA) including a Deep and Comprehensive Free Trade Area (DCFTA) agreement which is to be signed at the Summit of the Eastern Partnership in Vilnius at the end of November.

Many local and international groups have reported on the calm nature of the election and pre-election campaign especially in contrast to the tense atmosphere which accompanied the parliamentary election in 2012. Representatives of the two main candidates told the Eastern Partnership Civil Society Forum - Election Task Force (EaP CSF – ETF) that neither wanted a repeat of last year’s confrontation in the light of the forthcoming Vilnius Summit. In addition media representatives reported that they were able to operate in an atmosphere of considerable freedom during the election campaign.


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CSF monitored the Presidential Elections in Armenia

23 July 2013

Armenian National Platform for Eastern Partnership Civil Society Forum and Forum delegates from other countries closely monitored the Presidential Elections held on February 18, 2013 in Armenia.


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EaP CSF congratulates new OSCE PA Chairman and stresses importance of election observation in Azerbaijan and Georgia

09 July 2013

The EaP CSF Co-Chair Krzysztof Bobinski send a congratulation letter to the newly elected speaker of the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly Mr Ranko Krivokapic concerning his election during the meeting of the Assembly in Istanbul.


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The EaP CSF appeals for unbiased judgement by PACE observers of Presidential elections in Azerbaijan and Georgia

09 July 2013

Krzysztof Bobinski, CSF steering committee co-chair, reminds PACE in the appeals that voters in both Azerbaijan and Georgia will be expecting an unbiased judgement from parliamentary observers.


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CSF election task force and campaign for protecting members in Azerbaijan discussed at annual sub-group meeting

14 May 2013

The CSF Election Task Force, made up of election and civil society experts from Eastern Partnership and EU countries, was launched in Yerevan at the occasion of Armenia’s presidential elections in February.


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Statement of the Steering Committee on the Presidential Elections in Armenia

06 May 2013

Concerning the recent presidential elections in Armenia on 18 February 2013, the Steering Committee regrets that the Armenian authorities failed to seize the opportunity to consolidate public support, which would have been essential to politically underpin the challenging reforms awaiting the country once it signs the Association Agreement with the EU.


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Statement by WG1 on the Parliamentary Elections held in Armenia and the Upcoming Presidential Elections

06 June 2012

Working Group 1 of the Eastern Partnership Civil Society Forum expresses its concerns with regard to the parliamentary elections in Armenia on 6 May 2012 which resulted in the a decline of public confidence in the instrumente of elections.


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Panel discussion on elections in Armenia, Belarus, Georgia and Ukraine

06 June 2012

The aim of this workshop on elections was to closely examine the electoral process in four EaP countries: Armenia, where the elections have already taken place, Belarus, Georgia and Ukraine, where the elections are planned for the fall of 2012.


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Statement of WG1 on upcoming Parliamentarian elections in Georgia

06 June 2012

The October 2012 Parliamentary Elections are of crucial importance for the future of democracy in Georgia. The new parliament shall ensure the country’s transition to a parliamentary system and form the new government in line with the amendments to the Constitution of Georgia of 15 October 2010.


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